Understanding Digital Transformation Statistics
Digital transformation statistics can be used for a wide variety of different things. Most businesses focus on the “what” in digital transformation, but not the “how” it happens. A business can use data to determine what is working and what is not, but if the business focuses on the “how” it occurs, then it can determine how to change the “how” to make it happen faster and more efficiently. Statistics in this area are used all over the place, from business plans to marketing campaigns, but there are several key areas that are often overlooked when evaluating digital transformation strategies. There are many considerations that need to be made before implementation can occur.
Digital transformation has a tremendous impact on all aspects of business. One of the first considerations is whether or not the current business structure will continue to exist in the years to come. Businesses must decide if they will adapt to the new digital technologies or if they will face dire consequences if they do not change. There are many aspects of the current business models that can be changed to accommodate digital transformation but are often unwilling to do so. In order for a business to survive and thrive in these trying economic times, the leaders behind the company must recognize the importance of embracing change and be willing to take it into their own hands if necessary. Statistics for digital transformation are important in showing where changes need to occur and how they should occur.
Many of the same considerations come into play when examining metrics from other industries. When companies are changing their processes to adapt to the digital age, they must determine if the changes will create a positive impact or a negative one. They must consider if they will benefit their employees and customers, and if they will be able to survive the changes. This is just as important for businesses that have embraced digital transformation as well. They must carefully evaluate the costs involved in the change, the potential return on the change, and the long-term effect on the company.
Surveys can provide insight into the public’s perception of the digital transformation. A survey may ask people what changes they would like to see, and how important those changes are to their ability to do their job. The results may indicate where the greatest gaps in performance exist within the organization. This information can help managers develop a plan to address problems and to implement solutions.
Digital transformation statistics can be used to analyze the impact of changes in other areas as well. For example, sales metrics are affected by the adoption of digital systems. Survey results can show how sales have changed over time, and which departments are lagging behind in digital technology. Changes in customer service productivity can also be assessed by looking at survey results on issues that most frequently bother customers.
Analytics can provide insight into the reason why employees are not performing as well as desired. Surveys and interviews can reveal why employees are not performing up to standards. This information can lead to improved morale and happier employees, which can affect the productivity of the entire organization. The digital transformation can create and build organizational capital, but it cannot do it on its own. Understanding the drivers of performance is the first step to getting everyone on the same page.
The digital transformation can cause organizational dysfunction. Surveys that measure the performance of leaders can indicate what the problem is, and this can prompt the necessary corrective measures. It is important to be able to think about change and the implications of it for the organization before it occurs. Digitization can create a need for more staff, but if those staff are not properly trained or motivated they will simply not be able to take advantage of new opportunities created by the digital transformation. Performance management training can help managers identify areas that require attention and train employees on the new technologies that are sweeping the industry. Managers need to work closely with employees to determine their needs and assess the ways that these needs can be provided.
Digital transformation analytics provides a comprehensive view of organizational performance. It includes metrics and dashboards that can tell managers exactly where productivity is falling short and which departments are performing most efficiently. This information allows managers to make strategic decisions about the direction in which the business is headed and provide them with the tools they need to turn things around. Digital analytics can help managers see the digital transformation in perspective, but they must be able to visualize it and use it as an opportunity to increase business value and improve performance.
Deepak Wadhwani has over 20 years experience in software/wireless technologies. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies including Intuit, ESRI, Qualcomm, Sprint, Verizon, Vodafone, Nortel, Microsoft and Oracle in over 60 countries. Deepak has worked on Internet marketing projects in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange Country, Denver, Nashville, Kansas City, New York, San Francisco and Huntsville. Deepak has been a founder of technology Startups for one of the first Cityguides, yellow pages online and web based enterprise solutions. He is an internet marketing and technology expert & co-founder for a San Diego Internet marketing company.