The top 10 cyber security companies in the world are: Kaspersky, Norton, Mcafee, AVG, Symantec NOD 32, FAP Turbo, Cloudmark, Trusteer and Fortified Security. These are only a few of the hundreds of names that you will find when you do a search on cyberspace. The reason for this is that every company out there is an armature of one or more intelligence agencies, many of which specialize in digital disruption and infidelity. This makes them all too aware of what they are up against.
The top 10 cyber security companies in the world also all deal with threats from the digital world. These include data theft, malware and data breaches. Additionally, they deal with threats from malicious hackers attempting to infiltrate networks and get access to information. They are responsible for responding to these threats by developing tools, software and policies to mitigate such risk. It’s no wonder then that they rank so high on such a list. They have dedicated their time and resources in developing industry standards for preventing, detecting and dealing with cyber attacks.
One of the things that Kaspersky does is create the anti-cyberfare program called Kaspersky Lab. This company is an integral part of the Department of Homeland Security and works closely with the U.S. Department of Justice. They created this program to help fight what is known as “cybersecurity” which encompasses all aspects of the cyber threat to the nation. This includes Internet threats, computer threats, malware threats and other potential threats. They recently partnered with Cisco to make this collaboration even stronger.
As far as the top 10 cyber security companies are concerned, Kaspersky is the largest of them all and almost certainly has the most up to date threat information. Their ranking number one is probably because of the many partnerships that they have developed with other industry players. Cisco has a partnership with them whereby they can each promote their products and services to each other’s customers and that way each can strengthen their capabilities.
Kaspersky has been in the cyber-security industry for many years and has grown steadily since their humble beginning in 1998. They have grown in reputation because of their ability to detect and prevent malware attacks. This is one of the leading indicators of having a powerful malware programs. Many people attribute their rapid growth to the Internet. The growth rate has been very good and their customer base has been increasing every year. This is likely due to their consistent top 10 cyber security companies of the year in the past and their consistent recognition in various industry surveys.
Let’s look at what makes Kaspersky so credible when it comes to cyber threat protection. One of the primary reasons that they are such a credible name is because they deal with so many threats to information. They deal with phishing, web bugs, Denial of Service attacks, phishing pages, key loggers, malware and virus infections. They have several different types of protection for each category. For example they offer both site blocking and content filtering with their anti-phishing products and a firewall. There are some other firewalls that they offer as well.
As an end user, you want to get the best threat protection for your network from a company that knows how to properly do it. With many companies it is all about upgrading their software and hardware infrastructure in order to keep up with the latest malware and exploits. While this is essential if you have any expectation of staying malware free, it isn’t enough to actually stop an attacker. When it comes to the real world, real threats come from people, not programs.
Let’s take a look at what each of the top contenders have to offer in terms of cloud computing, firewall security and end-point protection. The top two choices by a large margin are Microsoft and Google. Only one company offers an end-point protection system that is certified by the United States Federal Information Security Standards Council (USFISC). This means that any company offering cloud computing or firewall security as a service should be certified by the USFISC.

Deepak Wadhwani has over 20 years experience in software/wireless technologies. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies including Intuit, ESRI, Qualcomm, Sprint, Verizon, Vodafone, Nortel, Microsoft and Oracle in over 60 countries. Deepak has worked on Internet marketing projects in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange Country, Denver, Nashville, Kansas City, New York, San Francisco and Huntsville. Deepak has been a founder of technology Startups for one of the first Cityguides, yellow pages online and web based enterprise solutions. He is an internet marketing and technology expert & co-founder for a San Diego Internet marketing company.