Digital Transformation – Why You Need a New View of IT automation
Why is digital transformation becoming the new industry imperative? Recent world events have sent a resounding message across the business community, that businesses can shift from being aged to dynamic markets in the blink of an eye. All companies are looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve. They understand that by embracing digital technologies they can better serve their customers and provide a higher level of service.
The old models of how industries worked just don’t cut it anymore. Many of these industries are at wits end trying to find ways to get more creative with their digital transformation projects. Companies are in urgent need of a digital experience platform to help them streamline their process. There is a sea of solutions available, but only a few deliver an ideal digital experience for the companies who are willing to adopt them. Here are a few examples of digital transformation technologies being adopted more.
One of the most important elements of digital transformation efforts is content delivery networks (CDN). There are two types of CDN’s which are CD Network and iConnect. iConnect is a Java-based CDN which allows companies to quickly and easily implement their digital transformational platform through the Internet instead of going through their own private networks. On the other hand, CDN is a managed network dedicated to delivering content to customers.
Moving forward, there is a new business imperative looming for companies across industries. This is called workforce planning. It has been found that the biggest mistake companies make when implementing digital transformation technologies is not properly aligning their workforce with their digital transformation resources. They tend to lose out on a lot of revenue due to underutilization of their workforce.
There is no better way to address this problem then by creating a well-defined plan to make sure that your workforce is properly digitalised. This is where partners analysis can help. gartner analysis is a process of defining and measuring a company’s digital transformation efforts in terms of the value that can be created and the value that can be delivered by such efforts. It is based on three main tenets. Firstly, partner considers performance as the single most important driver of value creation in any business. In other words, a company’s performance is what drives its value.
Secondly, gartner takes into consideration current and historical trends in order to identify what kind of digital transformation it is going to be. The third fundamental is also related to performance and has to do with the organization’s future growth. In this respect, a company’s internal capacity, its employees, their skills, and their knowledge are considered. By analysing and comparing these three aspects of digital transformation with business strategy, a company can effectively pinpoint its opportunities for improvement and avoid common pitfalls.
One such common pitfall is the “safe” use of familiar technology. For example, many companies still use old technologies like email and the web, even though they are no longer used by the target market. There are many benefits to digital transformation technologies and one of them is the fact that they do not require such familiar technology. In other words, a business does not have to stick to an outdated IT platform, especially if it is irrelevant to the business and if the cost of implementation is prohibitive. Another good example is the use of cloud computing in digital transformation: the idea behind this technology is to let multiple users access the same content (servers, applications, and so on) without requiring a server administrator to host the service on his own premises.
The biggest problem when it comes to digital transformation lies in the way that most companies perceive the need for change. According to experts, companies need to start perceiving their digital world through the eyes of a brand new customer. Customers are the ones who will help shape the future of digital transformation, not the managers in charge of implementing it. Hence, digitalisation should be seen from the perspective of the end users. They should see new opportunities arising through digitalisation, rather than being patronised by people who think that IT automation or storage room architecture is necessary for digital transformation.

Deepak Wadhwani has over 20 years experience in software/wireless technologies. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies including Intuit, ESRI, Qualcomm, Sprint, Verizon, Vodafone, Nortel, Microsoft and Oracle in over 60 countries. Deepak has worked on Internet marketing projects in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange Country, Denver, Nashville, Kansas City, New York, San Francisco and Huntsville. Deepak has been a founder of technology Startups for one of the first Cityguides, yellow pages online and web based enterprise solutions. He is an internet marketing and technology expert & co-founder for a San Diego Internet marketing company.