What Is Industry 4.0 and How Can It Benefit Your Company?

Industry 4.0 may sound like something out of SimCity, but it’s actually one of the latest advances in manufacturing technology. Industry 4.0 brings together IT and automation devices to speed up processes while simplifying recordkeeping procedures. Machine sensors – their memory and brain, in a sense – send data pre-filtered by digital platforms that create solutions without human involvement, before these solutions are then taken action on. Real-time data gathering and analysis Smart factory technology features real-time data analysis as a primary advantage. Machines collect pre-filtered information which then gets fed back into a central data platform – acting like

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Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

Imagine technology that can extend machine lifespan, offer advanced analytics and reduce both introduction costs and production times: that is the promise of smart manufacturing. T-Mobile recently unveiled its Advanced Industry Solutions suite that leverages 5G to bring smart retail, cities, factories and logistics solutions to customers of all sizes. Connectivity Smart factory applications demand fast data rates, low latency times, reliable connectivity and secure communication; wireless cellular technology offers all these capabilities in abundance. An IoT sensor on a machine could detect mechanical issues and then use 5G connectivity to alert maintenance staff and allow them to take corrective

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What is a Warehouse Management System (WMS)

What is a Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Table of Contents Introduction What is WWS? The Five Benefits of a warehouse management system What does the WMS system do? Key features of the warehouse management system Warehouse management systems in action Types of warehouse management systems Smart Warehousing Technology Introduction Warehouse Management System (WMS) is software that helps companies manage and control their day-to-day warehouse operations from the moment goods and materials enter a distribution or fulfillment center to the moment they leave. WMS software systems are a key component of supply chain management and provide real-time visibility into the entire inventory of the warehouse and the company

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User experience featured

Benefits of a good User Experience

A good user experience (UX) is one of the most crucial elements of marketing and customer service. Already, countless studies show its correlation with the brand’s increased fidelity, but an area where it remains underused is web design. One of the reasons is the lack of appreciation of its importance for companies. Website designers tend to focus on using the latest trends and innovations, often to the detriment of brand image. An example is the use of design elements and colors incompatible with the identity of the brand. Other areas of concern are poor navigation and content, which deteriorates rather

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