The ACI Airport Digital Transformation class is designed to assist airport managers turn their airport into a global digital platform and cultivate a digital culture within their airport. It also offers best practice guidelines for laying the groundwork for digital integration across all modes of communication, for example, e-mails, social networking, web portals and mobile devices. In addition, the class discusses how to automate processes to make running a digital airport more cost effective. This will reduce the operational cost of running the airport and allow it to invest its savings into other aspects of airport business.
The course also covers the strategic challenges that face airport businesses as a result of global change. These include the impact of new technologies on the workforce, the need for improved productivity and workforce participation and the impact of external threats such as terrorism, climate change and financial instability. As these challenges are faced by organizations, the ability to react to them with an effective airport digital transformation strategy will become more difficult.
The value of passenger experience and transport efficiency is being boosted by new technologies that are making their way into airport systems. One example is GIS which can integrate with airport systems to track traffic patterns and monitor vehicle traffic. It can also be used to manage passenger information, which helps an airport achieve greater efficiency and productivity while reducing costs and improving customer experiences. The value of passenger experience and transport efficiency is being boosted by new technologies that are making their way into airport systems.
The importance of customer service and retention cannot be overlooked in airport digital transformation. Many airports are introducing self-service check in and ticket purchasing kiosks and even offering phone and Wi-Fi internet access at airport terminal rooms. These initiatives have had a profound positive impact on customer satisfaction and profitability and, in many cases, improve the bottom line.
Digital dashboards that are integrated into many airports’ software help airport operators monitor and track passenger behavior and show that employees are best performing by identifying employee summaries of best practices and proffered explanations for why performance is better or worse. The introduction of automated teller machines at many airports has also created an environment where employees know the importance of a good customer service reputation. These employees are then trained to provide knowledgeable and professional customer service at all times. This “best practice” is a critical element of airport digital transformation.
While some of the technologies that are being used in the field today are being deployed for decades, others like GIS are relatively new. They have helped to significantly reduce operational costs as well as improve efficiency. Both passenger experience and operational costs are key factors in airport revenue generation. The efficiency improvements created by the adoption of new technologies are likely to continue to yield significant long term benefits to the airport. The adoption of these technologies may also play a role in future improved air travel consumer experience.
There are several initiatives being deployed across the US airports to embrace this digital transformation. Some of the most notable include: Digital signage at Oahu’s airport, automated gateways at Las Vegas’ airport, automated reservation counters at Phoenix airports and the deployment of wireless, mobile payment systems at Orlando International Airport. Each of these initiatives is part of the digital strategy designed to enhance the customer experience and attract new travelers to the airport. These initiatives are all part of the larger digital plan being implemented across the country.
Digital dashboards are now installed in most airports throughout the country. Airline passengers no longer have to take their attention off the roadway to read the displays. It is now possible for them to easily access all of the information they need, with all the data right at their fingertips. This digital transformation initiative is creating a more seamless traveling experience for both travelers and passengers. Improved technology is making the airport experience more efficient at both operations and in providing passenger satisfaction. If you are involved in aviation and have a concern about the future of the aviation industry then it is time that you considered a career in airport operations.
Deepak Wadhwani has over 20 years experience in software/wireless technologies. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies including Intuit, ESRI, Qualcomm, Sprint, Verizon, Vodafone, Nortel, Microsoft and Oracle in over 60 countries. Deepak has worked on Internet marketing projects in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange Country, Denver, Nashville, Kansas City, New York, San Francisco and Huntsville. Deepak has been a founder of technology Startups for one of the first Cityguides, yellow pages online and web based enterprise solutions. He is an internet marketing and technology expert & co-founder for a San Diego Internet marketing company.